Kool Kat of the Week: Va-Va-Voom for Vinyl! Amber Lu Plans a PinUp Pageant to Help Save Criminal Records

By Shellie Schmals
Contributing Blogger
During World War II and the 1940s, a PinUp was more than a picture on the wall. She was a glamour girl captured in an intimate moment. A cheeky expression of surprise reminding our soldiers there was something worth fighting for back home. As war waged on, countless women graced the bunkers in battle – ­Betty Grable, Veronica Lake, Lauren Becall and Ingrid Bergman, to name a few. We see the image of the PinUp Girl every day in popular culture, from burlesque stars like Dita Von Teese to pop tart Katy Perry on tour as a Teenage Dream.

Today, we are also fighting a war of our own ­ the recession. The current unemployment rate in Georgia is 10.3%, which is higher than the national rate of 9.1%. Everyday the reality of foreclosure hits with homeowners displaced and businesses closing.  When Criminal Records announced plans to shut their doors, the outcry from fans could be heard from all over Atlanta. Since September, The King of Pops, Variety Playhouse, WonderRoot and Pamela Caltabiano have coordinated projects to SAVE CRIMINAL RECORDS ATLANTA.

The list of advocates continues, as Amber Lu, a PinUp model and longtime friend of Criminal Records, becomes the producer of the Criminal Cuties PinUp Pageant on Saturday November 5 at 7:30 p.m. (doors at 6 p.m.). As a benefit for Criminal Records, Amber Lu’s own war on the recession touches on several retro loves we share with her – PinUps and the neighborhood music and comics store – so we had to make her Kool Kat of the Week.

Amber Lu channels her inner Julie Newmar. Hair and make-up by Cherry Dame. Photo credit: Robin Cook.

ATLRETRO: Why a benefit for Criminal Records?

Amber Lu: When I found out Criminal Records was on the brink of closing its doors, I decided I wanted to throw a benefit of some sort to help them stay open.  I have a lot of close friends that work at Criminal, and it has become a home away from home for me. I am a PinUp model myself, so I thought it’d be fun to integrate the idea of Classic PinUps with what is becoming the retro aspect of the modern record store.  Plus, a pinup pageant is a great way to draw people in to the store for the rest of the fundraising events going on that night, i.e., our silent auction, bake sale, photobooth and DJ!!

What qualities are you looking for in Miss Criminal Records 2011?

A real PinUp should have the qualities I like to refer to as “The 3 P’s of PinUp”:

1) Personality! – She should be fun! Playful! Open to talking to people!
2) Presentation! – She should look the part with her hair, makeup, costuming, etc! We are calling for a little ‘twist’ in the costuming dept here for Criminal, being that it’s a comic book and record store, contestants are encouraged to dress as their favorite comic/ sci-fi characters or [in a] music-inspired costume!
3) Poise! – How they carry themselves and relate to others! This, by far, is the most important quality a PinUp should have!! Call me old fashioned, but a PinUp is a lady, and should act like one. The beauty of PinUp for me personally, is the fact that a girl can be cute and sexy and provocative at the same time… But she’s still a Lady! Less is more ’cause it’s all about the tease……

Amber Lu Amazes as Mary Jane, Spider-Man's girlfriend. Hair and make-up by Cherry Dane. Photo credit: Grant Beecher.

These qualities, along with a love for music and everything awesome, are what will help Miss Criminal Records 2011 earn her crown!!

What fabulous prizes will Miss Criminal Records 2011 and Runner Ups win?
PinUp Photographer Grant Beecherand stylist Cherry Dame are providing a free photoshoot for the winner of the pageant! Mother Pucker Lemonade will shoot the winner for a possible ad for their Vodka Lemonade. Lovely Beauty Shop  is providing gift certificates to their website for the winner and two runners up. Artist Scott Blair is providing a FREE personalized sketch for the 2nd Runner Up.

How is Criminal Records an asset to the Little Five Points community?

Criminal Records is the reason I venture into Little Five Points most days… There is ALWAYS something going on there! Bands playing live in-store shows to promote their records… vegan bake sales… Record Store DayFree Comic Book Day… book signings… Asshole Santa every Christmas?! Too many good things to count! I’ll never forget the day I [first] walked up to Criminal Records, when they were in their old location, and I saw the Indigo Girls playing on the curb there! Where else could you see that?!  I was new to Atlanta at the time, and had no idea that shows like that were a regular occurrence at Criminal. I also had the opportunity to meet Michael Cera and, my personal favorite, Jason Schwartzman, due to the fan-girl antics of the amazing Lillian Hughes, who set up a Fan Meet-n-Greet for the movie: SCOTT PILGRIM VS. THE WORLD! Criminal is always on the look out for fun exciting events for comic book and music fans alike. It is a very neighborhood-oriented store and focuses on supporting local artists,  as well as the communities’ well being. Only a few small reasons we need to preserve indie record stores, [and] Criminal Records in particular!!

Some say that vinyl and even CDs are considered Retro now. How are they still relevant  in a world of MP3s and digital downloads?

Vinyl has made a huge comeback in the past few years. Many people prefer its sound to the digitally remastered CDs out there. In fact, most bands nowadays put their music out on vinyl before they’d think about putting a CD out to sell. It is sad to me that CDs have somehow become a thing of the past – “retro” if you will; iTunes obviously changed the music industry immensely, and in my opinion, for the worse. Although I do enjoy being able to have my music available on my phone and at the touch of a button, I can’t help but be sad for newer generations of music fans who may never experience the excitement of going to a record store, discovering a new band, taking their CD home, enjoying reading through the album cover, and appreciating the artwork while they experience the music out loud!

Thank goodness for the Vinyl Revival, but if we don’t do something to protect indie record stores like Criminal Records and Wax n Facts, even vinyl enthusiasts will have nowhere to go.

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2 Responses to “Kool Kat of the Week: Va-Va-Voom for Vinyl! Amber Lu Plans a PinUp Pageant to Help Save Criminal Records”

  1. Mr. Wee Wee
    on Nov 1st, 2011
    @ 7:23 pm

    You go girl!

  2. Tom Todaro
    on Nov 2nd, 2011
    @ 9:21 am

    You are loved and appreciated here in ATL!

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