By Rebecca Perry
Contributing Writer
Silver Scream Spookshow Presents THE BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN (1935); Dir: James Whale; Starring Boris Karloff, Elsa Lancaster, Colin Clive; Sat. Oct. 27; kids matinee at 1 PM (kids under 12 free & adults $7) and adult show at 10 PM(all tickets $12); All proceeds of today’s shows benefit Atlanta’s oldest running independent cinema, the nonprofit Plaza Theatre; Trailer here.
“To a new world of gods and monsters!”
Closing out Universal Monster Month at the Plaza Theatre on Sat. Oct. 27 is THE BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN. Released in 1935 by Universal Studios, this second film inspired by Mary Shelley’s novel is, in this writer’s opinion (and many others), the best of the Universal Monster films and one of the rare sequels that is superior to the original (1931’s FRANKENSTEIN). James Whale, who also directed FRANKENSTEIN and co-wrote the screenplay for BRIDE with William Hulburt, originally did not want to direct a sequel. It was only after years of persuading from Universal that he relented, and then only under the stipulation that he have complete artistic freedom to direct the picture as he envisioned it.

I remember seeing this film for the first time at age 7 on a local Detroit television show called Creature Feature, which would often show classic horror and sci-fi films every Saturday afternoon. I was glued to the screen and couldn’t wait to see what the Bride would look like;. Would she be disfigured like the Monster or beautiful like the other Bride in the film, Elizabeth (played by Valerie Hobson)? When the bandages were finally removed at the end of the film, I had a new fashion icon (sorry, Wonder Woman), and I have been a Universal Monsters fan ever since.
Editor’s Note: This screening of THE BRIDE OF THE FRANKENSTEIN also will be the sixth anniversary of the Silver Scream Spookshow, so you know Professor Morte and his ghoulish gang will be pulling out all the scary stops in the paranormal preshow! With your box office benefiting the Plaza Theatre, that makes it our top pick for an ATLRetro Halloween. Not just full of tricks, this is Atlanta’s best kept grassroots treat. Be there or be scared – either the kids’ matinee or the evening adults’ show!