Posted on:
Oct 26th, 2015 By:
by Melanie Crew
Managing Editor
Calling all ghouls and gals! Come see why we think you should raise hell in Retro Atlanta this Halloween season!
1. Head Rolling Tunes! Get sinister All Hallows Eve (weekend) with a helluva lot of rancid rock ‘n roll! The Star Bar gets hellacious this weekend with Hell Night featuring
BigFoot, Timmy James & the Blue Flames and Night Terrors on Friday (10/30)! Or get your horror punk fix with their 24th Anniversary Party & Halloween Bash featuring Horror Business, Pretty Vacant, Salad Days, Road to Ruin and Kool Kats The Casket Creatures on Saturday (10/31)! Get monstrous and go, go Godzilla on down to the Variety Playhouse for a night with the Blue Oyster Cult (10/30)! Rock out retro-style with The B-52s during their “Halloween Scream” show at the Fox Theatre (10/30)! The Earl gets monstrously metal with their Halloween party featuring Wolf Eyes, Timmy’s Organism, Video and Uniform (10/30)! And Smith’s Olde Bar terrifies with their Howl ‘o’ Ween rockin’ tribute night featuring The Cherry Bomb (Joan Jett); Learning to Count (Ramones); and TNT (AC/DC) (10/30)
2. Fangtastic Films! Halloween just isn’t the same without blood-filled horror flicks! If you’re craving the crazed, catch John
Carpenter’s HALLOWEEN (1978) at 7:30pm across town [Hollywood Stadium 24 in Chamblee; AMC Avenue Forsyth 12 in Cumming; AMC Barrett Commons 24 in Kennesaw; AMC Sugarloaf Mills 18 in Lawrenceville; and Georgian Stadium in Newnan] on Thursday (10/29)! The Plaza Theater delivers killer screenings with Gerald Kargl’s ANGST (1983) (10/29); Victor and Edward Halperin’s monstrous classic, WHITE ZOMBIE (1932) (10/30); and don’t forget to Time-Warp it up with some uber musically-inclined transsexual aliens at as they continue their tradition of screening THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW (1975), featuring the live cast of Lips Down on Dixie at midnight, with special Halloween treats (10/30)! Get bewitched with a screening of Kenny Ortega’s HOCUS POCUS (1993) at dusk at Atlantic Station during their “Spooky Film Fest” (10/30)! Ghosts invade Studio Movie Grill (Alpharetta/Duluth) with their 30th Anniversary screening of Ivan Reitman’s GHOSTBUSTERS (1984) at 7pm/9:30pm (10/30)! Celebrate 40 years with Dr. Frank-N-Furter and Jim Sharman’s cult classic, THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW (1975) at AMC Phipps Plaza at 10pm (10/30-10/31)! The 9th Annual Atlanta Horror Film Festival haunts at DooGallery featuring 70 independent horror films from across the world (10/28-10/30)! And get homicidal at The Earl Smith Strand Theatre with their screening of Alfred Hitchcock’s horror masterpiece, PSYCHO (1960) at 8pm (10/31)!
3. Dance with the Dead. Do the Monster Mash with DJ Evil Jet at the Euclid Avenue Yacht Club’s annual Halloween Bash (10/31)!
Pallookaville celebrates All Hallows Eve and their second year of corndogula slingin’ with their Ice Scream Ball & Halloweiner, featuring drink specials, music, tricks & treats, costume contests and more (10/31)! Or get ghastly and groove on down to Mary’s for their Hallo-Weenie Dance Party (10/30), followed by their Scary-oke! shindig and costume contest on Halloween night (10/31)! Or rattle your bones during Fernbank Museum of Natural History’s Martinis and IMAX’s Fright Night Halloween Party, dripping with devilish drinks, costume contests and more (10/30)! Spook on down to Callanwolde Fine Arts Center for their “Halloween Night on Callanwolde Mountain” family-friendly party featuring trick-or-treating, live music with the Callanwolde Concert Band featuring Matthew Kaminski, costume contests and more (10/30)! And party it up in Virginia Highlands with their Halloween Night in the Highlands event featuring costume contests and more (10/31)!
4. Gothic & Ghastly. It’s a night of gothic chills at Atlanta Symphony Hall as the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra presents a night of Danny Elfman’s music from the films of Tim Burton at 8pm (10/31)! Haunt on down to the Historic Oakland Cemetery for their annual hour-long Capturing the Spirit of Oakland 2015 Ghost Tours, featuring music, a fortune teller and more! Come on out and tiptoe through the graves, make a few new spirited friends and hear the hallowed tales of some of their eternal residents, running from 5:30pm to 10:30pm (10/29-10/31)!
5. Horrifying Haunts. It’s a gore-fest at Chambers of Horror Haunted House at the Masquerade as they terrify with their adults-only blood-infested splatter-fest [10/29-11/1, 8pm-12am/1am (weekend)]! Or creep on down to Netherworld Haunted House in Norcross and spook it up through Nov. 1 (7:30pm-10:30pm week days; 7pm-midnight weekends)! 
6. Thrilling and Chilling Theatrics. Be the Headless Horseman’s next victim and get your bones chilled at Serenbe Playhouse’s thrilling presentation of their immersive spooky attraction and show, THE SLEEPY HOLLOW EXPERIENCE, haunting through Nov. 8 (Wed-Sun at 8pm; Fri-Sat at 10:30pm)! The Arts Exchange spooks it up with their Halloween 2015 party featuring performance art, a spooky amphitheatre and experimental music at 8pm (10/31)! Get immortal with the Center for Puppetry Arts’ presentation of Jon Ludwig and Jason Hines’ THE GHASTLY DREADFULS: RAISING SPIRITS adults-only spook show filled with creepy stories, devilish dances and more (10/28-10/31; 8pm)!
7. Psychotically Psychedelic. Rattle your bones and get psychedelic at the Red Light Café with their Night of the Dead Halloween Party featuring gr8FLdude & frenz and Dead Affect (10/31)! Or jam it up with Honeywood during their Halloween
show at the Crimson Moon Café (10/31)! And it’s “Hawgtoberfest” at Hottie Hawgs BBQ with Swami Gone Bananas (10/31)!
8. Tricks or Tikis! Trader Vic’s takes a big hairy bite out of you with their Werewolves of London Halloween dinner event, featuring a prix fixe menu ($35/person) including monstrous starters, entrées and desserts. Werewolves & Pina Coladas, OH MY! Trader Vic’s calls all werewolves to come in & enjoy Pina Coladas à la Warren Zevon‘s “Werewolves of London” this Halloween! Costumes are encouraged & are worn best if your hair is perfect! Doors Open at 5:00 p.m. (10/30)!
9. Decaying Eighties. ATL Collective delivers two nights of rotting flesh as they raise the dead with their performance of Michael
Jackson’s Halloween classic, “Thriller” at Vinyl (10/30-10/31)! Or do the Monster Mash at Steve’s Live Music as they dish out a spooky night with The Lizardmen and Devomatix (Devo tribute) (10/31)! Kool Kat Becky Cormier Finch and Denim Arcade deliver a rockin’ ‘80s Halloween show at the Dallas Public House (10/31)!
10. Groove Like a Ghoul! It’s a night of boos and blues as Danny ‘Mudcat’ Dudeck and the Atlanta Horns get down at their annual Halloween Bamboo Au Go Go Party with The Reverend & the Lady and Yoshito Kiyono at the Northside Tavern (10/31)! Put on those dancin’ shoes groove like a ghoul at The Basement as they get down with forty thousand years of funk during their Keep on Movin’ Halloween Dance Party (10/31)! And get ghastly and groove on down to the The Music Room for the Dangerfeel Newbies’ Soul of Jazz Halloween Jam (10/31)!
Category: Features | Tags: Alfred Hitchcock, all hallows eve, ASO, atlanta symponny orchestra, B-52s, Big Foot, Blue Oyster Cult, Callanwolde, Chambers of Horror, classic horror, Danny Elfman, eayc, Euclid Avenue Yacht Club, fernbank fright fest, Ghostbusters, Halloween, haunted houses, haunts, John Carpenter, Mary's, Masquerade, Netherworld, night terrors, Psycho, rocky Horror Picture Show, serenbe, slasher, sleepy hollow, the casket creatures, tiki, tim burton, Trader Vic's, werewolves of london, white zombie
Posted on:
Aug 24th, 2011 By:
One might almost think it was the 1920s this week in Atlanta. This city is lucky to have two vintage movie palaces with mighty organs, and both are playing classic silent movies this week with live accompaniment. First at the Fabulous Fox on Thurs. Aug. 25 at 7:30 p.m. is THE MARK OF ZORRO (1920), one of the final three features in this year’s Coca-Cola Summer Film Festival. Then on Sunday at 2:30 p.m., the Earl Smith Strand Theatre in Marietta presents FLESH AND THE DEVIL (1926), a dramatic romantic gem fraught with passion and betrayal that stars Greta Garbo in her first appearance in an American movie.
And just a few weeks from now on Sun. Sept. 11 at 3 p.m., Callanwolde is going to be hosting PIPES ON PEACHTREE, a program by the Atlanta Chapter of the American Theatre Organ Society (ACATOS) on Atlanta’s movie palaces of the 1920s, ‘30s and 40s, and their organs including Joe Patten, Atlanta’s “Phantom of the Fox”; noted organist technician and teacher John Tanner; and John Clark McCall, author of ATLANTA FOX ALBUM and other articles about Atlanta’s theatres. Highlights include a pictorial tour, playing of Callanwolde’s own 60-rank Aeolian residence pipe organ and the opportunity to tour the 1920s Gothic-Tudor mansion.

Inside The Earl Smith Strand Theatre. Photo courtesy of The Strand.
ATLRetro caught up with Ron Carter, who’ll be playing the Mighty Allen Theatre Organ at The Strand on Sun. for a sneak preview of all these upcoming events and why in the digital age, it’s still an amazing experience to see a movie in a vintage venue with live musical accompaniment. And frankly it gives us chills that Ron also be accompanying DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE (1920), starring John Barrymore, on Oct. 30, at The Strand, closing out what has been a four-film silent series.
Let’s start with your take on what’s so special about seeing a classic movie at The Earl Smith Strand Theatre? Why should people in 2011 want to spend a summer Sunday afternoon watching a silent movie in a vintage cinema?
The Strand is a very unique venue. It was built in 1935 and at that time was the largest neighborhood movie theatre in the Atlanta metro area. Now it is the only neighborhood theatre in the Atlanta area which has been restored (I call it an adaptive restoration) to what it was originally intended to be and more! Our marquee is an exact replica (except for the state-of-the-art digital reader board) of the art deco one with real neon that was installed when the theatre opened in 1935 but then replaced with a “modern” one in 1964 during a remodeling by the Georgia Theatre Company. UGH—it was ugly!
Then when one walks into our outer art deco lobby and views the etched glass above our entrance doors, the ceramic tile floors and granite countertops, and the metal ceiling, you are transported back into a time when a theater was more than just four walls with some curtains hanging to cover up the cement block. Then you reach the inner lobby with its grand staircase, copper-painted ceiling, ornate chandelier and mosaic-covered lighting fixtures. All of this creates an expectation and wonder of what lies beyond the ornate auditorium doors! Samuel Rothafel (aka “Roxy”), who built the largest movie palace in the world in New York’s Times Square (over 6000 seats), had a famous quote. He said “The show starts on the sidewalk.” He felt that the building, the environment, the overall experience was just as important to the patron as the show on the stage.
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Category: Kool Kat of the Week | Tags: 1920s, ACATOS, Allen Organ Company, American Theatre Organ Society, art deco theatre, Atlanta Capitol, Atlanta Fox Album, Bob Van Camp, Byrd Theatre, Callanwolde, Clark Wilson, Coca-Cola Summer Film Festival, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Earl Reece, Earl Smith Strand Theatre, Flesh and the Devil, Fox Theatre, Georgia Theatre Company, Greta Garbo, Halloween, Joe Patten, John Barrymore, John Clark McCall, John Tanner, Larry Douglas Embury, Loews Grand, Marietta, Mark of Zorro, Metropolis, Mighty Allen Theatre Organ, Mighty Mo, Moller, movie palace, Music Grinder, Paramount Theatre, Phantom of the Fox, Phantom of the Opera, Pipes on Peachtree, Puccini, Radio City, Rialto, Ron Carter, Roxy Theatre, Samuel Rothafel, Savannah Lucas, silent movies, singalong, Strand Theatre, TCM, theatre organs, Twenties, Walker Organ Company, Wings, Wurlitzer
Posted on:
Aug 12th, 2011 By:
Friday, August 12
Hear some great garage rock and rockabilly, pose with a pin-up girl, see burlesque acts, win raffle prizes and support a great animal charity at Little Darling’s Pinups for Pitbulls Presents: Dog Days of Summer! starting at 8 p.m. at The Basement beneath Graveyard Tavern. Check out our first-ever Kool Kitten interview with April 2001 Pinups for Pitbulls Calendar model Brook Bolen here. Performers include ’60s girl group revivalists The F’n Heartbreaks (of which Brook is a bandmember) and The Hot Rod Walt Trio (read our Kool Kat interview with Hot Rod Walt here); local burlesque stars Talloolah Love, Barbalicious and Sadie Hawkins of Blast-Off Burlesque, and Pinups for Pitbulls charity-founder Little Darling herself!
It’s another honky tonk rockabilly Friday at Star Bar with Caroline & the Ramblers, Villain Family and The Serenaders. It’s also always good news to hear about a too-rare Subsonics show, so we’re happy to report Buffi Aguero & Co. will be garage-rockin’ it out at The Earl tonight with Carnivores and Howlies. Bela Fleck & the Flecktones and Bruce Hornsby & the Noisemakers are at Classic Chastain. Swing to jazz, earthy blues and a little rock n roll by vocalist Gwen Hughes and her band The Retro Jazz Kats at Callanwolde Jazz on the Lawn tonight. Catch an IMAX movie and dance to blues, jazz and a
slight bit of funk courtesy of Derryl Rivers & the Flying Circus at Fernbank Museum of Natural History’s Martinis and IMAX. Recent Kool Kat Julea Thomerson and the BareKnuckle Betties plays The Five Spot with Midnight Revival and Silent Coyote. And CineProv pokes good-natured fun at THE ROCKETEER at Relapse Theatre.
Saturday August 13
Yet another clone-worthy day and night in Retro Atlanta. It’s almost impossible to pick just
one of the vintage wonderland of activities tonight. First, the good news is a couple of things are in the afternoon. Kids and their parents are in for tricks and treats as the Silver Scream Spookshow‘s Professor Morte teaches a Monster Make-Up Class at Main Street School of Art at 1 p.m. Learn how to turn your kid and you into a werewolf or zombie using classic monster movie make-up techniques from realistic bruises and oozing wounds to deathly ghoulish faces and how to apply latex and hair.
Meanwhile over at The Plaza Theatre, see Sergio Leone/Clint Eastwood classic Western THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY at 3 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. as it was meant to be seen in glorious widescreen 35 mm. The movie is the last and best part of Leone’s “Man With No Name” trilogy, which the Plaza has been screening throughout the summer. Hurray for AM1690 for sponsoring! Be sure to hang around, come early or just stop by The Plaza at 6:35 p.m., too, for COMING SOON TO A THEATRE NEAR YOU!, 35 min. of rare 35 mm trailers from Plaza Manager Ben Ruder‘s private collection. Admission for the latter is free, but donations to support the nonprofit theatre are encouraged.
The Derby Strikes Back as the Atlanta Rollergirls‘ four teams face-off in their annual play-offs. The Apocalypstix battle the Toxic Shocks at 5 p.m. while theDenim Demons get one more shot against the undefeated Sake Tukas at 7:30 p.m. Both bouts, as always, are at the Yaarab Shrine Center on Ponce, and advance tickets are recommended for these sure-to-sell-out matches. Arrive early to browse the cool vendors.
The King may have passed away from this earth on Aug. 16, 1977, but oh, does his spirit live on in ELVIS ROYALE, an annual Vegas-style multimedia extravaganza staged by KingSized and the Dames Aflame at Variety Playhouse. Hear the one-and-only Big Mike Geier sing songs from every point in Elvis’s career and experience the glittery Cavalcade of Elvis during the fabulous finale. Read our Kool Kat exclusive interview with Big Mike here.
BURLESQUE WITH A HITCH, the latest in Mon Cherie‘s Va-Va-Voom series at Masquerade, celebrates the genius of film director Alfred Hitchcock with each act
based on a different film by the master. Alabaster JuJu stars, with master of suspense and mystery Miss Mason hosting, and the all-star line-up of performers includes Sadie Hawkins, Rebecca DeShon (Hoop Essence), Stormy Knight, Fonda Lingue, Evil Sarah, The Chameleon Queen, magician Chad Sanborn, Katarina Laveaux (Birmingham, AL), Nicolette Tesla (Charlotte, NC), and Peachz de Vine (Greensboro, NC). Before and after, DJ 313 spins alternative dance, Allison Kellar offers body-painting, and there’s also a RAWKIN’ RAFFLE with lots of vintage-inspired vendors donating prizes. Cover is a bargain 5 bucks, and doors open at 9 p.m. In suspense about what’s happening? Click here for a sneak preview of this Spellbound affair from Chad Sanborn.
It’s Man Day at Twain’s starting with first-come-first-serve manly tattoos at noon, but the main event gets rolling at 5 p.m. with a night of live music, manly competitions (examples include Handyman Challenge and Best Beer Gut), aerial dance performances by Blast-Off Burlesque‘s Sadie Hawkins, boob cupcakes by Sugar Dolls, the Wheel of Destiny and much more.
And that’s not to mention Big Bad Voodoo Daddy swinging with theAtlanta Symphony Orchestra at Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre. Psycho

- Big Bad Voodoo Daddy.
DeVilles rockabilly it up at the world-famous Dixie Tavern in Marietta. Little Joey’s Big Band is at Fat Matt’s Rib Shack. Blues pianist extraordinaire Ike Stubblefield plays Northside Tavern. And of course, DJ Romeo Cologne transforms the sensationally seedy Clermont Lounge into a ’70s disco/funk inferno late into the wee hours.
Sunday August 14
Chickens and Pigs plays blues “dunch” between 1 and 4 PM at The Earl. The Whiskey Gentry bring their misfit country-to-punk twang to the Park Tavern Unplugged in the Park series at Piedmont Park. Tony Bryant reps four generations of Georgia blues at Fat Matt’s. And the Michael Hutchence-less INXS brings back the ’80s at Chastain Park Amphitheatre.
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Category: Weekend Update | Tags: Alabaster JuJu, Alfred Hitchcock, Allison Kellar, AM 1690, Apocalypstix, Atlanta History Center, Atlanta Rollergirls, Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, Barbilicious, Bareknuckle Betties, Bela Fleck, Ben Ruder, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, Blast-Off Burlesque, Brook Bolen, Bruce Hornsby, Buffi Aguero, Burlesque with a Hitch, Callanwolde, Carnivores, Caroline & the Ramblers, Chad Sanborn, Chameleon Queen, Chickens and Pigs, Cineprov, Classic Chastain, Clermont Lounge, Clint Eastwood, Dames Aflame, Denim Demons, Derryl Rivers, Dixie Tavern, Dog Days of Summer, Elvis, Elvis Royale, Evil Sarah, F'n Heartbreaks, Fat Matt's Rib Shack, Fernbank, Five Spot, fonda lingue, Graveyard Tavern, Gwen Hughes, High Museum of Art, Hoop Essence, Hot Rod Walt Trio, Howlies, Ike Stubblefield, INXS, John Marin, Julea Thomerson, Katarina Laveaux, Kingsized, Little Darling, Little Joey's Big Band, Man day, Margaret Mitchell, Martinis & Imax, Midnight Revival, Miss Mason, moda, monster make-up, Nicolette Tesla, Northside Tavern, Park Tavern, Peachz de Vine, pinups for pitbulls, Plaza Theatre, Professor Morte, Psycho Devilles, Radcliffe Bailey, Rebecca DeShon, Relapse Theatre, Retro Jazz Kats, Rocketeer, romeo cologne, Sadie Hawkins, Sake Tuyas, Serenaders, Sergio Leone, Silent Coyote, Silver Scream Spookshow, Star Bar, stormy Knight, Subsonics, Sugar Dolls, Talloolah Love, The Basement, The Earl, The Good the Bad and the Ugly, Tony Bryant, Toxic Shocks, Twain's, Unplugged in the Park, Va-Va-Voom, Variety Playhouse, Verizon Amphitheatre, Villain Family, Whiskey Gentry, Yaarab Shrine Center
Posted on:
Jul 25th, 2011 By:
Monday July 25
From 3 PM on, savor tropical sounds and libations, as well as a Polynesian dinner during Mai Tai Monday at Smith’s Olde Bar. Kingsized and Tongo Hiti lead singer Big Mike Geier is Monday night’s celebrity bartender at Sister Louisa’s Church of the Living Room and Ping Pong Parlor. Northside Tavern hosts its weekly Blues Jam.
Tuesday July 26
What’s in a name? Catchy coolness if you’re self-styled D.I.Y. rock ‘n’ roll band Swank Sinatra, playing tonight at Smith’s Olde Bar. Although their sound, fury and lyrics are inspired by Frank than “homeless people, pirates, ladies, shoes, ships, our hate of disco and breakfast.” Minor Stars and Kevin Dunbar Band open. Grab your horn and head to Twain’s in Decatur for a Joe Gransden jazz jam session starting at 9 PM. JT Speed plays the blues at Fat Matt’s Rib Shack. Notorious DJ Romeo Cologne spins the best ‘70s funk and disco at 10 High in Virginia-Highland. Catch Tues. Retro in the Metro nights at Midtown’s Deadwood Saloon, featuring video mixes of ’80s, ’90s, and 2Ks hits.
Wednesday July 27
The Temptations and The Four Tops make it a mini-Motown reunion at Classic Chastain tonight. Get ready to rumba, cha-cha and jitterbug at the weekly Swing Night at Graveyard Tavern. Deacon Brandon Reeves bring the blues to Fat Matt’s Rib Shack and Danny “Mudcat” Dudeck blues it down at Northside Tavernrespectively. Dance to ‘70s, ‘80s and ‘90s hits during Retro in the Metro Wednesdayspresented by Godiva Vodka, at Pub 71 in Brookhaven. 
Thursday July 28
It’s a cinematic night of pure (& twisted) imagination for the whole family as The Atlanta Opera screens classic 1971 movie WILLY WONKA AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY starring Gene Wilder at The Atlanta Opera Center (1575 Northside Drive, NW, Bldg 300, Suite 350, Atlanta, GA 30318). Attendees may win two (golden?) tickets to the company’s production of THE GOLDEN TICKET, also based on the Roald Dahl novel, in March, 2012.
Henry Porter, named after a legendary Dylan quote, bring their Western swing on DMT to Kathmandu Restaurant & Grill in Clarkston. Or is that post-rock mindset with 70’s AOR hooks? Or songs that Iggy Pop might could sing? Or the Eagles with credibility? Or CCR meets XTC? Heck if they even know for sure, but you can find out for free and eat some tasty Asian vittles at the same time.
Classic Tulsa Sound piano man Leon Russell opens for legendary folk rocker Bob Dylan at Chastain Park Amphitheatre. Go Retro-Polynesian to Tongo Hiti’s luxurious live lounge sounds, as well as some trippy takes on iconic pop songs, just about every Thursday night at Trader Vic’s. Party ‘70s style with DJ Romeo Cologne at Aurum Lounge. Breeze King and Chickenshack bring on the blues respectively at Northside Tavern and Fat Matt’s Rib Shack.

Bluegrass Thursday at Red Light Cafe features The Burning Angels.
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Category: This Week in ATLRetro | Tags: Abby Gogo, Atlanta History Center, Atlanta Opera, Aurum Lounge, Barrow Boys, bellisima, bellissitease, Big Mike Geier, Blast-Off Burlesque, Bob Dylan, Boxcars, Brant Slay, Breeze Kings, Buckhead Music Festival, Buckhead Theatre, burlesque, Burning Angels, Burt and the Bandits, Callanwolde, Chameleon Queen, Chickasaw Mudd Puppies, Cinderella, cinefest, Cineprov, Classic Chastain, Clermont Lounge, Deacon Brandon Reeves, Deadwood Saloon, Devil's Rejects, devin liquor, District Attorneys, DooGallery, Drivin' n Cryin', Eddie's Attic, Eric Dodd Band, Fatback Deluxe, Fernbank, film noir, fonda lingue, Four Tops, Futurebirds, Gene Wilder, Graveyard Tavern, Henry Porter, High Museum of Art, Hollidays, Jason Isdell, Jaws 4, Joe Gransden, John Marin, Jon Waterhouse, Jonny Corndawg, JT Speed, Julia Dream, Kathmandu Kitchen and Grill, Kevin Dunbar Band, Kingsized, KingSized Trio, Leon Russell, Little Tybee, Lon Chaney, Margaret Mitchell, Martinis & Imax, Matt Wauchope, Minor Stars, moda, Mudcat, Pho Truc, Plaza Theatre, Pub 71, Radcliffe Bailey, Ray's on the River, Red Light Cafe, Relapse Theatre, Retro in the Metro, Rob Zombie, romeo cologne, Sadie Hawkins, Shriek, Sister Louisa's Church of the Living Room, Smith's Olde Bar, Smokey and the Bandit, Strand Theatre, Swank Sinatra, Talloolah Love, Tedo Stone, Temptations, The Booze, The Earl, The Local at Sidelines, Tongo Hiti, Trader Vic's, Twain's, Vidal Sassoon, Whiskey Belt, Wild Bill's, Willy Wonka
Posted on:
Jul 22nd, 2011 By:
Friday, July 22
Dig out the glitter bodysuit and platform heels and get yourself down to The Masquerade for Gilded Trash, a glam rock theme party to be remembered featuring live music from The Sexual Side Effects, The Unsatisfied and Starbolt 9; classic hits from T. Rex & Bowie to Iggy & Eno; burlesque by The Chameleon Queen; the scandalous banter of Dax Exclamationpoint!; foot-pounding grooves by Glitterdome‘s DJ Tiny Tears; body-painting; gilded go-go dancers, glam-inspired art by Chris Buxbaum; glam-orous vendors; and much more. Get a sneak preview from Kool Kat of the Week Amber Taylor, show mastermind and vocalist/guitarist for The Sexual Side Effects here.
The Stumblers make it a rockabilly/Southern roots night in The Basement at Graveyard Tavern in East Atlanta. Read ATLRetro’s Extra Kool Kat of the Week interview with lead singer/rhythm guitarist Keith Martin here. Eighties multi-platinum heavy metal band Dokken rocks Wild Bill’s in Duluth. Country chanteuse Emmylou Harris plays Concerts in the Garden at the Atlanta Botanical Garden. Rod Hamdallah is at Fat Matt’s. Callanwolde‘s popular Tango Night is back including introductory lessons in the sexy Argentine version from Tango Rio‘s expert instructors at 8 p.m., followed by an open tango dance party at 9:15 p.m. Catch an IMAX movie and dance to soulful jazz standards performed by The Kayla
Taylor Quartet at Fernbank Museum of Natural History’s Martinis and IMAX. And last but not least, the wacky cast of Cineprov! bait and tackle Humanoids of the Deep, a sensationally schlocky 1980 horror flick about half-man/half-fish mutations starring then-hottie Doug McClure, at 8 p.m. at Relapse Theatre. Free admission if you wear a bathing suit!

Last but not least, a high school ritual gets an undead makeover in a ‘50s setting in ZOMBIE PROM, this weekend only at Fabrefaction Theatre. The girl-loves-ghoul rock ‘n’ roll off-Broadway musical is fun for the entire family and performed by actual high school students as the culmination of a two-week theatre education program. The opening night show is at 8 p.m., and additional performances are at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. on Sat. and 3 p.m. on Sun.
Saturday July 23
What’s that, Artie? A steampunk theme night with a Wild West twist? That’s the wild, wild premise behind The Artifice Club‘s Weird West Saloon, at The Solarium in Oakhurst. The frontier-inspired festivities begin at 5 p.m. with a Trading Post Market, with doors opening officially at 7 p.m. and entertainment lasting to midnight culiminating in an after-party at McGowan’s Oakhurst Pub. There will be gambling and a quick draw tournament to benefit the Dream Power Therapeutic Equestrian Center, and featured acts included Blair Crimmins and the Hookers (read an ATLRetro interview with Blair about this ’20s-ragtime-inspired band here), DJs Swivel and Doctor Q, emcee and sheriff comedienne Sabrina Pandora and a bevy of burlesque beauties…er sexy saloon dancing girls including, Fonda Lingue, Ruby Redmayne, Tupelo Honey and Talloolah Love, who treats you lucky ATLRetro readers to an exclusive preview here.
Americana classic Dex Romweber and sister Sara throw a party mix of originals and obscure nuggets from rock n roll’s dusty closets at the Star Bar for the release of the Dex Romweber Duo‘s latest album, IS THAT YOU IN THE BLUE. It only gets better with local rockabilly faves The Blacktop Rockets, classic rock-inspired The Booze and Chattanooga-based garage rock band The Bohannons also on the bill.
Meanwhile over at the Plaza, Blast-Off Burlesque are throwing a BEACH PARTY tonight for their third Taboo La-La sin-sational film series. Much more than a rare chance to see the classic 1963 frolic with Frankie Avalon and Annette Funicello in 35mm on the big-screen, there’s a zany and sexy preshow featuring special guests Grinder Nova and The Chameleon Queen as the float-tastic Alotta Wood, as well as a Twist-Off Contest, a Hula Hoop Contest, and Twister games and beach party-inspired cupcakes from Atlanta’s own The Sugar Dolls, who were kind enough to serve up a tasty sneak preview of the treats they’ll be bringing here.
Eighties hit makers Huey Lewis and the News try to take you Back in Time to when it was Hip to Be Square at Classic Chastain. Capitol City Opera players sing Broadway standards in ON THE LIGHT SIDE, a themed night of lighter music that has become a 20-year tradition at the vintage Callanwolde mansion. The Reverb-O-Rockets deliver Chicago style-blues “straight, no chaser” at Fat Matt’s Rib Shack. And of course, DJ Romeo Cologne transforms the sensationally seedy Clermont Loungeinto a ’70s disco/funk inferno late into the wee hours.
Sunday July 24
Alick Gerard & the Dixie LTD play blues “dunch” between 1 and 4 PM at The Earl. Learn Beginning Vintage Hair Styling from award winning pin-up girl D’lilah D’lite from 1 to 3 p.m. at SpinARella Pole/Dance/Fitness. The class is part of the Syrens of the South‘s ABCs & 123s of Burlesque Class Series. GET DELICIOUS AGAIN at 8 p.m. at the Plaza Theatre as Jim Stacy (Palookaville, Starlight Drive-In, AM Gold, Greasepaint, etc.) samples Atlanta’s Asian eateries in the latest installment of his unconventional culinary series serving up Atlanta’s Hidden Restaurant Treasures. If you can’t make thisFREE screening with special foodie
guests, tune in or set your DVR to PBA 30 also at 8 p.m. Nature is Dangerous and It will Hurt You: A Benefit for Jessica Miller features some a great line-up of local blues and rockabilly bands, beer specials, Fat Matt‘s BBQ, raffle prizes and more from 2:30 p.m. to late at Blind Willie’s, including Bill Sheffield, Rocksploitation, Nat King Coal Miners, Bob Page and Co., The Shadows, Rod Hamdallah, Joe McGuiness Trio, The Electromatics, and The Stooge Brothers. Blair Crimmins and the Hookers headline Unplugged in the Park at the Park Tavern.
The latest revival of Tony Award-winning musical FIDDLER ON THE ROOF is at The Fabulous Fox through Sunday June 24.
VIDAL SASSOON: THE MOVIE not only chronicles the life of the rock star hairdresser/artist but also features lots of ’60s/’70s fashions and hair styles. Playing through Sun. July 31 at Cinefest.
At the High, RADCLIFFE BAILEY: MEMORY AS MEDICINE, the most comprehensive exhibition of the Atlanta artist’s works to date, opened last Sunday June 26 and runsthrough Sept. 11. Read more about the artist and this powerful exhibition that in last week’s Kool Kat. JOHN MARIN’S WATERCOLORS: A MEDIUM FOR MODERNISM, a
companion exhibit also at the High this summer through Sept. 11, surveys the work of the man named America’s number one artist in a 1948 LOOK magazine survey. While his name is not a household one today, this exhibition reminds us of his important place in the modernist movement and why watercolors became such a powerful instrument for avante-garde art in the hands of him and other artists in the Stieglitz Circle,including Georgia O’Keefe.
MODERN BY DESIGN, the High‘s other Retro exhibition, celebrates three key moments in modern design and also the Museum of Modern Art, New York‘s (MOMA) collection history. The works on loan from MOMA cover “Machine Art” (1934), “Good Design” (1950-55) and “Italy: The New Domestic Landscape” (1972), with the latter addressing modernism in the context of 1960s and ’70s counterculture.
The Museum of Design Atlanta (MODA)‘s newest exhibit WaterDream: The Evolution of Bathroom Design, runs through Sept. 24 in the dynamic new Midtown space. Displays take visitors through a four-part journey into the bathroom from the birth of minimalist aesthetics in 20th century design to current concepts.
Get a rare chance to view original manuscript pages from the last four chapters of ATLANTA’S BOOK: THE LOST GONE WITH THE WIND MANUSCRIPTat the Atlanta History Center. The new exhibit, which opens today and runs through Sept. 5, is part of a series of activities celebrating the 75th anniversary of the publication of the international bestseller and also includes foreign and first edition copies, the desk Margaret Mitchell used while writing it and select images.
Tune back in on Friday for Weekend Update. If you know of a cool happening that we’ve missed, send suggestions to
Category: Weekend Update | Tags: ABCs & 123s of Burlesque, Alick Gerrad & the Dixie LTD, Amber Taylor, Annette Funicello, Artifice Club, Atlanta Botanical Garden, Atlanta History Center, bathrooms, beach party, Bill Sheffield, Blacktop Rockets, Blair Crimmins, Blast-Off Burlesque, Blind Willie's, Bob Page, Bohannons, Callanwolde, Capitol City Opera, Chameleon Queen, Chris Buxbaum, cinefest, Cineprov, Classic Chastain, Clermont Lounge, Concerts in the Garden, D'lilah D'lite, Dax Exclamationpoint, Dex Romweber, DJ Swivel, DJ Tiny Tears, Doctor Q, Dokken, Doug McClure, Dream Power Therapeutic Equestrian Center, Electromatics, Emmylou Harris, Fabrefaction Theatre, Fat Matt's Rib Shack, Fernbank, Fiddler on the Roof, fonda lingue, Fox Theatre, Frankie Avalon, Get Delicious, Gilded Trash, glam rock, Glitterd, Graveyard Tavern, Grinder Nova, High Museum of Art, Huey Lewis, Humanoids of the Deep, Jessica Miller, Jim Stacy, Joe McGuinness Trio, John Marin, Kayla Taylor, Keith Martin, Margaret Mitchell, Martinis & Imax, Masquerade, McGowan's Oakhurst Pub, moda, modern design, Nat King Coal Miners, Park Tavern, Plaza Theatre, Radcliffe Bailey, Relapse Theatre, Reverb-O-Rockets, Rocksploitation, Rod Hamdallah, romeo cologne, ruby redmayne, Sexual Side Effects, Shadows, solarium, SpinARElla, Star Bar, Starbolt 9, Stooge Brothers, Stumblers, Sugar Dolls, Syrens of the South, Taboo-La-La, Talloolah Love, Tango Rio, The Basement, The Booze, The Earl, The Unsatisfied, Tupelo Honey, Unplugged in the Park, Vidal Sassoon, water dreams, Weird West Saloon, Wild Bill's, Zombie Prom
Posted on:
Jul 3rd, 2011 By:
Want to spend your Fourth of July in the most classic Retro way? Here are ATLRetro’s top patriotic picks.
“I Love A Parade” go the lyrics of the classic Arden & Ohmen song, perhaps put to its most whimsical use in this zany1932 Merrie Melodies cartoon. ATLRetro couldn’t agree more that it’s just plain unpatriotic not to on the Fourth of July. Alas, the big Salute 2 America parade (1961-2007) has vanished into the realm of nostalgia. But while the floats and marching bands might not be as glitzy, several suburban parades compensate with homegrown small town star-spangled spirit. To see one of the largest in the area, hop in the car and be in Carrollton by 10, where the parade proves it’s all-American-ness by starting at the Dairy Queen and ending at Kmart. Or head east to Cumming for its Steam Engine Parade (also 10 a.m.), including antique steam engines, tractors and cars, which will be on display in the fairgrounds afterwards where you can ride carnival rides, munch on festival food and linger for evening fireworks.
Prefer to stay in town? Avondale Estates’ parade marches up Clarendon Avenue starting at 10 a.m. at Avondale High School. Marietta also starts up at 10 at the Roswell Street Baptist Church, followed by vendors, food concessions, carnie rides and entertainment in the Square.
Always wanted to be in a parade yourself? Line up at the First Baptist Church of Decatur at 5:30 p.m. for that suburb’s annual July 4th Pied Piper Parade, which officially starts at 6 p.m. and goes to the bandstand in the square where the Callanwolde Concert Band will play patriotic tunes at 7 p.m.
Among the big fireworks displays, Lenox Square‘s Salute 2 America Celebration has history on its side, because, well, there wasn’t even a Centennial Olympic Park until the Olympics in 1996. For sheer ooey-gooey patriotism, however, head to Stone Mountain Park’s Lasershow Spectacular in Mountainvision which concludes with a mighty fireworks display over the granite dome. It’s been updated this year by adding some Pixar-like CGI effects—yeah, that’s the Mountainvision. But there’s just something so ‘70s/’80s about seeing our nation’s patriotic heroes from Founding Fathers to firefighters in squiggly laser outline—remember when that was NEW technology! Yup, they still play Elvis’s “American Trilogy” and the cartoony “Devil Went Down to Georgia” and that trippy psychedelic rock sequence. If you still can drive there in that old Trans Am, you get extra points. Alas, family-friendly no longer means you can legally enjoy a beer during the show.
If you’re more into an old-time community fireworks display, sitting with your family on a picnic blanket or lawn chairs, head to the Decatur Square or surrounding streets. Every year we’ve been impressed that it lasts longer and is bigger than we expected. If you’ve got a bit of extra cash, fantastic views can be had from the front terrace of Café Lily, along with barbecue and other picnicky specials, DJ music and a glass of complimentary prosecco. OK the latter sounds a bit European, but hey, it’s family-owned by the Italian-American Pitillos and besides Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin really dug France.
We kind of also like the idea of watching the sky explode at scenic Avondale Lake with its vintage boat house and live music by Atlanta Blue Notes. And the Henry County Fireworks Extravaganza is at an actual battlefield, Nash Farm Battlefield Park. We’ll ignore that it was a Civil War battlefield where Georgians fought to separate from the Union, and just enjoy the pony rides, live music and Spirit of ’76 period actors on hand to help families “relive the excitement of when and how America was born!” Extra Retro points for enthusiasm and only 20 bucks a carload so pile those kids into the station wagon and head on down.
Live Music
The fireworks displays and community festivals have live marching bands and other patriotic entertainment. But to, nothing sounds more all-American than Hawgapalooza 2011—BBQ pork, beer and country music including kick-ass honky tonk duo Whiskey Belt at Hottie Hawgs BBQ on the Westside. Fun starts at 4 p.m. and concludes with a fireworks show in Whittier Mill Park.
Nothing’s more all-American Retro than beer, right? Red, White & Brew embraces the patriotic spirit of America’s favorite alcoholic beverage with a beer tasting from 6-10:30 p.m. Even if we’re not too sure about the Retro-ness of being the rooftop of the Georgia Aquarium parking deck, the location promises great views of the downtown fireworks. Gwinnett County may pretend to be all sugary wholesome, but The Mall of Georgia, in all-American consumer spirit, apparently has a Beer Garden planned where mom and dad can toss back a brewski while the kids feast on patriotic food offerings including bratwurst?! I personally prefer to stay ITP, so for more ideas, check out this piece I wrote recently for Metromix on some of the most All-American Bars in Atlanta here.
All photos are from the 2007 Decatur fireworks display and copyright ATLRetro 2011. For post-July 4 Retro action next week, be sure and check back for the regular This Week in Retro Atlanta on Tuesday July 5.
Category: This Week in ATLRetro | Tags: all-american bars, Avondale Estates, beer, Cafe LilyHenry County, Callanwolde, Carrollton, Cumming, Decatur, fireworks, Fourth of July, Georgia Aquarium, Hawgapalooza, Hottie Hawgs, July 4, Lake Avondale, Lasershow, Lenox Square.Stone Mountain, Mall of Georgia, Marietta, Merrie Melodies, Metromix, Nash Battlefield, parade, patriotism, Pied Piper Parade, Red White & Brew, Salute 2 America Parade, steam engine parade, Whiskey Belt, Whittier Mill Park
Posted on:
Jun 17th, 2011 By:
Friday, June 17

Libby Whittemore
It’s an all-around jazzy evening at three Atlanta theaters, attractions and museums. Beloved Atlanta chanteuse Libby Whittemore returns to Actor’s Express for the second show in a four-day run (June 16-19) of LISA & LIBBY’S SUMMER CAMP, joining singer Lisa Paige and musical director/accompanist Robert Strickland for a summer-themed new installment to the Libby’s at the Express series. The show combines standards, Broadway tunes, and more, and in the second act, the 31st Ladyof Country Music Connie Sue Day. Shows start at 7:30 PM. Vocalist Marsha DuPree sings sweet, soulful cabaret and musical revue favorites at Callanwolde Jazz on the Lawn. Or head to the halls of the High Museum of Art for a night of art and Friday Jazz with Kevin Bales. Joe Gransden brings his big band style of jazz to Jazz Journeys at Georgia Aquarium. If swingin’ blues is more your mood tonight, Jump’n Jukes are at Fat Matt’s Rib Shack. Or catch an IMAX movie and merengue the night away during Salsa Night with Salsambo Dance Studio at Fernbank Museum of Natural History’s Martinis and IMAX.
Saturday June 18
What could be more retro than the first annual Rockabilly Luau at the Masquerade Music Park from noon to 8 PM, featuring a mix of rockabilly, psychobilly, surf and psycho-surf music by Hot Rod Walt and the Psycho DeVilles, Daikaiju, The Pelvis Breastlies, The Mystery Men?, The Rebel Surfers,The Go Devils, The Atomic Rockets and C.N.I. COW. More performers include Blast-off Burlesque, Davina and the Harlots, The Spinderellas and authentic Polynesian dancers and fire dancers. The total tiki day also promises Hawaiian BBQ and beer, a pre-1968 car show, Hawaiian pin-up girl and swimsuit contest, live tiki carving, lei greeters, a worst Hawaiian shirt contest, vendors and classic tropical drinks. All ticket sales support two local animal rescues. Catch ATLRetro‘s sneak preview with founders and this week’s Kool Kats Chris Mattox and Jessica Vega here and an exclusive interview with The Rebel Surfers here.
Papa Said Knock You Out and that’s exactly what Atlanta Rollergirls plan to do today in their monthly double-header at the Yaraab Shrine Center. First bout between the Sake Tuyas and Toxic Shocks is sold out, we hear, but tickets were still available at press time for the second match at 7:30 PM between Atlanta Rumble B‘s and visiting team Fort Myers Derby Girls. Then take the Highway to Hellbilly as world-famous mountain Dancing Outlaw Jesco White and country singer-songwriter Roger Alan Wade burn up Atlanta at 529 Club in East Atlanta. DJ Romeo Cologne transforms the sensationally seedy Clermont Lounge into a ’70s disco/funk inferno. And of course, ’80s metalheads/rockers will want to head to Lakewood Amphitheatre for Heart and Def Leppard.
Sunday June 19
Blake Rainey & His Demons headlines blues “dunch” between 1 and 4 PM at The Earl. Hall & Oates play Chastain Park Amphitheatre.
Closing this weekend

Ray Harryhausen's interpretation of the Cyclops in THE 7TH VOYAGE OF SINBAD (1958)
Sun. June 19 is the last day to see the original images which inspired Ray Harryhausen‘s amazing stop-motion cyclops, centaurs and other mythological beasts in the special exhibition, MONSTERS, DEMONS AND WINGED BEASTS: COMPOSITE CREATURES IN THE ANCIENT WORLD at the Michael C. Carlos Museum at Emory University through June 19. The exhibition of monstrous art, drawn from the museum’s permanent collections, shows how the ancient Greeks were inspired by other Middle Eastern cultures in developing a vast repertoire of richly imagined creatures.

Kandace Christian as Margaret Mitchell. Photo courtesy of Melita Easters.
Find out about the headstrong, irrepressible early years and the human side of MRS. JOHN MARSH..THE WORLD KNEW HER AS MARGARET MITCHELL at the Ansley Park Playhouse. The well-reviewed hit one-woman show by Melita Easters and starring Kandace Christian has gotten some great reviews and even includes a rare perspective on her year at Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts – the only time she ever left the Southeast. Friday and Saturday at 8 PM and Sunday at 2 PM.
MODERN BY DESIGN, the High‘s newest special exhibition opening on Sat. June 4, celebrates three key moments in modern design and also the Museum of Modern Art, New York‘s (MOMA) collection history. The works on loan from MOMA cover “Machine Art” (1934), “Good Design” (1950-55) and “Italy: The New Domestic Landscape” (1972), with the latter addressing modernism in the context of 1960s and ’70s counterculture.
The ever irreverent Dad’s Garage Theatre takes a stab at the ’80s horror genre of camp slasher films in SLAUGHTER CAMP about a homicidal maniac terrorizing a theatre camp. June 2-25 on the main stage.
Get a rare chance to view original manuscript pages from the last four chapters of ATLANTA’S BOOK: THE LOST GONE WITH THE WIND MANUSCRIPTat the Atlanta History Center. The new exhibit, which opens today and runs through Sept. 5, is part of a series of activities celebrating the 75th anniversary of the publication of the international bestseller and also includes foreign and first edition copies, the desk Margaret Mitchell used while writing it and select images.
Tune back in on Monday for This Week in Retro Atlanta. If you know of a cool vintage-inspired happening, send suggestions to
Category: Weekend Update | Tags: 529 Club, Actor's Express, Ansley Park Playhouse, Atlanta History Center, Atlanta Rollergirls, atlanta rumble b's, Atomic Rockets, Blake Rainey & His Demons, Blast-Off Burlesque, burlesque, c.n, Callanwolde, Carlos Museum, Chastain Park Amphitheatre, Chris Mattox, Clermont Lounge, Dad's Garage, Daikaiju, Davina and the Harlots, Def Leppard, Emory University, Fatt Matt's Rib Shack, Fernbank, fort myers derby girls, Georgia Aquarium, Go Devils, Gone with the Wind, Hall & Oates, Hawaii, Heart, High Museum of Art, hula, hula hoop, jazz, Jesco White, Jessica Vega, Joe Gransden, Jump'n Jukes, Kevin Bales, Lakewood Amphitheatre, Libby Whittemore, Libby's at the Express, Lisa Paige, Margaret Mitchell, Marsha DuPree, Martinis & Imax, Masquerade, Melita Easters, Modern by Design, modern design, MOMA, monsters, Mystery Men, Northside Tavern, Pelvis Breastlies, pin-up, Psycho Devilles, psychobilly, Ray Harryhausen, Rebel Surfers, rockabilly, Roger Alan Wade, roller derby, romeo cologne, Sake Tuyas, salsa, salsambo, Slaughter camp, Smith College, Spinderellas, surf music, The Earl, tiki, Toxic Shocks, tropical cocktails, Yaarab Shrine Center
Posted on:
Jun 13th, 2011 By:
Monday June 13
From 3 PM on, savor tropical sounds and libations, as well as a Polynesian dinner during Mai Tai Monday at Smith’s Olde Bar. Kingsized and Tongo Hiti lead singer Big Mike Geier is Monday night’s celebrity bartender at Sister Louisa’s Church of the Living Room and Ping Pong Parlor. Northside Tavern hosts its weekly Blues Jam.
Tuesday June 14
Watch Dennis Hopper battle crazed redneck cannibals as Splatter Cinema presents THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE 2 at the Plaza Theatre tonight at 9:30 PM. Read Geoff Slade‘s bloody review here. Hear UK ’70s
hard rock band Uriah Heap at Variety Playhouse. Attend the Atlanta launch of THE SWEETEST THING, a novel about two remarkable women during the Great Depression, by award-winning writer Elizabeth Musser, author of The Swan House, at the Atlanta History Center. Grab your horn and head to Twain’s in Decatur for a Joe Gransden jazz jam session starting at 9 PM. Notorious DJ Romeo Cologne spins the best ‘70s funk and disco at 10 High in Virginia-Highland. Catch Tuesday Retro in the Metro nights at Midtown’s Deadwood Saloon, featuring live video mixes of ’80s, ’90s, and 2Ks hits.
Wednesday June 15
It’s only halfway through the work week, but Syrens of the South Productions are ready to make it go a little faster with Hump Day Honeys, a weeknight burlesque show at The Shelter featuring both local favorites, such as Katherine Lashe and Kittie Katrina, as well as hot out-of-town guests such as Burlesque Nouveau from Greensboro, NC. Shows start promptly at 10 PM, end at midnight, and include a raffle to benefit the Southern Fried Burlesque Fest. Get ready to rumba, cha-cha and jitterbug at the weekly Swing Night at Graveyard Tavern. The Hollidays bring a little soul to Fat Matt’s Rib Shack and Danny “Mudcat” Dudeck blues it down at Northside Tavern respectively. Dance to ‘70s, ‘80s and ‘90s hits during Retro in the Metro Wednesdays presented by Godiva Vodka, at Pub 71 in Brookhaven.
Thursday June 16

Slim Chance & the Convicts
Slim, Dangerous Dan and Tony Drummer reunite for the first time in five years and replay their very first set from June 4, 1986 to celebrate The 25th Anniversary of Slim Chance & the Convicts at Kathmandu Kitchen & Grill (formerly Pho Truc) in Clarkston. Opening for the Redneck Underground icons is Spooky Partridge. No cover charge, no smoking and all ages!
Beloved Atlanta chanteuse Libby Whittemore returns to Actor’s Express for a four-day run (June 16-19) of LISA & LIBBY’S SUMMER CAMP, joining singer Lisa Paige and musical director/accompanist Robert Strickland for a summer-themed new installment to the Libby’s at the Express series. The show combines standards, Broadway tunes, and more, and in the second act, the 31st Lady
of Country Music Connie Sue Day. Shows start at 7:30 PM. Relive the pangs and pleasures of ’80s high school romance via John Hughes’ 1984 hit SIXTEEN CANDLES at Piedmont Park‘s Screen on the Green. Listen to Tongo Hiti’s luxurious live lounge sounds, as well as some trippy takes on iconic pop songs, just about every Thursday night at Trader Vic’s. Party ‘70s style with DJ Romeo Cologne at Aurum Lounge. Breeze Kings and Chickenshack bring on the blues respectively at Northside Tavern and Fat Matt’s Rib Shack.

Bluegrass Thursday at Red Light Cafe features He Sang She Sang and Hopfrog.

Read the rest of this entry »
Category: This Week in ATLRetro | Tags: 10 High, 529 Club, Actor's Express, Atlanta History Center, Atomic Rockets, Aurum Lounge, Big Mike Geier, Blake Rainey & His Demons, Blast-Off Burlesque, bluegrass thursday, Breeze Kings, burlesque, Burlesque Nouveau, Callanwolde, Carlos Museum, Chastain Park Amphitheatre, Chickenshack, Chris Mattox, Clermont Lounge, CNI Cows, Dad's Garage, Daikaiju, Davina and the Harlots, Deadwood Saloon, Def Leppard, dunch, Elizabeth Musser, Fat Matt's Rib Shack, Fernbank, Geoff Slade. Uriah Heap, Georgia Aquarium, Go Devils, Gone with the Wind, Graveyard Tavern, Hall & Oates, Hawaii, He Sang She Sang, Heart, High Museum of Art, Highway to Hellbilly, Hollidays, Hopfrog, hula hoop, jazz, Jesco White, Jessica Vega, Joe Gransden, Jump'n Jukes, Katherine Lashe, Kathmandu Kitchen and Grill, Kevin Bales, Kittie Katrina, Lakewood Amphitheatre, Libby Whittemore, Libby's at the Express, Lisa Paige, luau, Mai Tai Monday, Margaret Mitchell, Margaret Mitchell House, Marsha DuPree, Martinis & Imax, Masquerade, Modern by Design, modern design, MOMA, monsters, Mudcat, Mystery Men, Northside Tavern, Pelvis Breastlies, Plaza Theatre, Polynesian, Psycho Devilles, Pub 71, Ray Harryhausen, Rebel Surfers, Red Light Cafe, Redneck Underground, Retro in the Metro, Robert Strickland, rockabilly, Rockabilly Luau, Roger Alan Wade, romeo cologne, salsa, salsambo, Screen on the Green, Sister Louisa's Church of the Living Room, Sixteen Candles, Slaughter camp, Slim Chance and the Convicts, Smith's Olde Bar, Spinderellas, Splatter Cinema, Spooky Partridge, Swan House, swing dancing, Syrens of the South, Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, The Earl, The Shelter, tiki, Tongo Hiti, Trader Vic's, Twain's, Variety Playhouse
Posted on:
Jun 3rd, 2011 By:
Be sure to check out this Weekend Update even if you read This Week in Retro Atlanta for even more great vintage-inspired things to do on a very busy Retro weekend.
Friday, June 3
The 4th Annual Psychobilly Freakout Revival swings into action at the Star Bar as Rev. Andy Hawley gathers up some of Atlanta’s best bands in the genre, including Rocket 350, McPherson Struts, and Hard Luck and Trouble. Loysville Atlanta will also be there selling her delightful Dia De Los Muertos-inspired wares.
Hey, hey, it’s The Monkees‘ 45th Anniversary Tour starting up this summer’s Delta Classic Chastain Series. Reggae legends Toots and the Maytals plays Variety Playhouse. Joe Gransden and his 16-piece big band team up with blues chanteuse Francine Reed at Eddie’s Attic. Atlanta Botanical Garden launches its Concerts in the Garden summer series with blues guitarist extraordinaire Jonny Lang. Callanwolde’s Jazz on the Lawn 2011 summer outdoor series begins with high-powered jazz by Nick Longo. Electromatics merge Chicago/West Coast Blues, Blue Eyed Soul and an essence of Standard Jazz and Sinatra at Fernbank Museum of Natural History’s Martinis and IMAX.
Plus the 15th Annual Atlanta Tattoo Festival gets rolling at Crowne Plaza Hotel Atlanta-Perimeter Northeast. The three-day event presented by Sacred Heart Tattoo attracts thousands to see world-class artists, live tattooing, seminars, contest, unique vendors, and live music.
Saturday June 4
During the day, browse and buy art, eat and listen to live music at Virginia-Highland Summerfest, a street festival in one of Atlanta’s historic neighborhoods. The whole family will enjoy a vintage Locomotive Celebration at the Southeastern Railway Museum. The 15th Annual Atlanta Tattoo Festival continues with a bikini contest at 6 PM and live music by Six Shot Revival, Killer and the Savage with Cool Breeze from the Dungeon Family, and Kadense.
At night, The Official Monster Bash Pre-Party rocks the Star Bar. Get revved up for a horror-ific Sunday at the Starlight Six Drive-In with bands MC45’s (The Forty-Fives all MC5 set), Biters, Booze, The Clutters, The Brimstones from New Jersey and Dusty Booze & the Baby Haters.
Andrew & the Disapyramids, featuring recent Kool Kat Joshua Longino, will be surfing it up with Fishhawk and Modern Paranoia at the Drunken Unicorn. Bluegrass meets rockabilly with a punk attitude at Highland Inn Ballroom Lounge tonight in a triple-header show featuring Hymn for Her, I Want Whisky and Barebones Betties, Bareknuckle Betties playing as a duo with pal Johnny McGowan. DJ Romeo Cologne transforms the sensationally seedy Clermont Lounge into a ’70s disco/funk inferno.

Andrew & the Disapyramids
Sunday June 5
Gates open at 10 am at Starlight Six Drive-In for the 2011 Rock ‘n’ Roll Monster Bash. The all-day party is a Retro horror fan’s righteous nightmare with live music, vendors and movies. Bands this year are Super X-13, Brimstones, LUST, Radio Cult and Spooky Partridge. At dusk, the reels roll with GODZILLA 2000, RINGU and crazed J-horror classic HOUSE. Check out a scary sneak preview from Kool Kat of the Week and “Horror Host with the Most” Professor Morte himself Shane Morton here.
Legendary blues performers BB King and Buddy Guy begin the Georgia Natural Gas series at Chastain Park Amphitheatre. Nathan Nelson & His Entertainment Crackers headline blues “dunch” between 1 and 4 PM at The Earl. Also continuing today is Virginia-Highland Summerfest and the vintage Locomotive Celebration at the Southeastern Railway Museum.
Opening this weekend:
MODERN BY DESIGN, the High‘s newest special exhibition opening on Sat. June 4, celebrates three key moments in modern design and also the Museum of Modern Art, New York‘s (MOMA) collection history. The works on loan from MODA cover “Machine Art” (1934), “Good Design” (1950-55) and “Italy: The New Domestic Landscape” (1972), with the latter addressing modernism in the context of 1960s and ’70s counterculture.
The ever irreverent Dad’s Garage Theatre takes a stab at the ’80s horror genre of camp slasher films in SLAUGHTER CAMP about a homicidal maniac terrorizing a theatre camp. June 2-25 on the main stage.
Get a rare chance to view original manuscript pages from the last four chapters of ATLANTA’S BOOK: THE LOST GONE WITH THE WIND MANUSCRIPT at the Atlanta History Center. The new exhibit, which opens today and runs through Sept. 5, is part of a series of activities celebrating the 75th anniversary of the publication of the international bestseller and also includes foreign and first edition copies, the desk Margaret Mitchell used while writing it and select images.
See the original images which inspired Ray Harryhausen‘s amazing stop-motion cyclops, centaurs and other mythological beasts in the special exhibition, MONSTERS, DEMONS AND WINGED BEASTS: COMPOSITE CREATURES IN THE ANCIENT WORLD at the Michael C. Carlos Museum at Emory University. The exhibition of monstrous art, drawn from the museum’s permanent collections, shows how the ancient Greeks were inspired by other Middle Eastern cultures in developing a vast repertoire of richly imagined creatures.
Tune back in on Monday for This Week in Retro Atlanta. If you know of a cool happening next week, send suggestions to
Category: Weekend Update | Tags: ancient Greece, Andrew and the Disapyramids, Atlanta Botanical Garden, Atlanta History Center, Atlanta Tattoo Festival, Barebones Betties, Bareknuckle Betties, Biters, Booze, Brimstones, Callanwolde, Carlos Museum, Classic Chastain, Clermont Lounge, Clutters, Cool Breeze, Dad's Garage, Dia De Los Muertos, Drunken Unicorn, Dungeon Family, Dusty Booze & the Baby Haters, Eddie’s Attic, Electromatics, Fernbank, FishHawk, Forty-Fives, Francine Reed, Godzilla, Gone with the Wind, Hausu, Hawley, High Museum of Art, Highland Inn Ballroom, House, Hymn for Her, I Want Whisky, Italian design, Joe Gransden, Johnny McGowan, Jonny Lang, Joshua Longino, Kadense, Killer and the Savage, locomotives, Loysville Atlanta, Lust, Margaret Mitchell, Martinis & Imax, Mc45s, McPherson Struts, Modern by Design, modern design, Modern Paranoia, modernism, MOMA, Monkees, Monster Bash, monsters, Nathan Nelson, Nick Longo, Professor Morte, Psychobilly Revival, Radio Cult, Ray Harryhausen, reggae, Rev. Andy, Ringu, Rock n Roll Monster Bash, Rocket 350, romeo cologne, Sacred Heart Tattoo, Shane Morton, Silver Scream Spookshow, Six Shot Revival, Slaughter camp, Southeastern Railway Museum, Spooky Partridge, Star Bar, Starlight Drive-In, tattoo, The Earl, Tongo Hiti, Toots and the Maytals, Variety Playhouse, Virginia-Highland Summerfest
Posted on:
May 31st, 2011 By:
Lots going on this week & still catching up after a Bubba-licious holiday weekend, so expect a few updates as the week goes along…
Monday May 30
Every Monday, find out if Kingsized and Tongo Hiti lead singer Big Mike Geier will croon a tune or two for tips during his second week as Monday night’s celebrity bartender at newly opened Sister Louisa’s Church of the Living Room and Ping Pong Parlor. Northside Tavern hosts its weekly Blues Jam.
Tuesday May 31
Grab your horn and head to Twain’s in Decatur for a Joe Gransden jazz jam session starting at 9 PM. Notorious DJ Romeo Cologne spins the best ‘70s funk and disco at 10 High in Virginia-Highland. Catch Tuesday Retro in the Metro nights at Midtown’s Deadwood Saloon, featuring live video mixes of ’80s, ’90s, and 2Ks hits.
Wednesday June 1
Get ready to rumba, cha-cha and jitterbug at the weekly Swing Night at Graveyard Tavern. Frankie’s Blues Mission and Danny “Mudcat” Dudeck bring on the blues at Fat Matt’s Rib Shack and Northside Tavern respectively. Dance to ‘70s, ‘80s and ‘90s hits during Retro in the Metro Wednesdays presented by Godiva Vodka, at Pub 71 in Brookhaven.
Thursday June 2
Spanky & The Love Handles brings the blues to Clarkston-based Kathmandu Kitchen & Grill‘s Thursday free concert series. Listen to Tongo Hiti’s luxurious live lounge sounds, as well as some trippy takes on iconic pop songs, just about every Thursday night at Trader Vic’s. Party ‘70s style with DJ Romeo Cologneat Aurum Lounge. Breeze Kings and Chickenshack bring on the blues respectively at Northside Tavern and Fat Matt’s Rib Shack.

Bluegrass Thursday at Red Light Cafe presents Country Fried Karaoke Night with Red Light All Stars Band.

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Category: This Week in ATLRetro | Tags: 10 High, Andrew and the Disapyramids, Atlanta Botanical Garden, Atlanta Tattoo Festival, Aurum Lounge, Barebones Betties, Bareknuckle Betties, Big Mike Geier, Biters, Booze, Breeze Kings, Brimstones, Callanwolde, Chickenshack, Classic Chastain, Clermont Lounge, Clutters, Cool Breeze, Country Fried Karaoke, Danny Mudcat Dudeck, Deadwood Saloon, Dia De Los Muertos, Drunken Unicorn, Dungeon Family, Dusty Booze & the Baby Haters, Eddie's Attic, Electromatics, Fat Matt's Rib Shack, Fernbank, FishHawk, Forty-Fives, Francine Reed, Frankie's Blues Mission, Godzilla, Graveyard Tavern, Hawley, Hi-Test, Highland Inn Ballroom, House, Hymn for Her, I Want Whisky, Jerry Farber's Side Door, Joe Gransden, Johnny McGowan, Jonny Lang, Joshua Longino, Kadense, Kathmandu Kitchen and Grill, Killer and the Savage, Kingsized, Loysville Atlanta, Lust, Martinis & Imax, Mc45s, McPherson Struts, Modern Paranoia, Monkees, Monster Bash, Nathan Nelson, Nick Longo, Northside Tavern, Professor Morte, Psychobilly Revival, Pub 71, Radio Cult, Red Light All Stars Band, Red Light Cafe, Retro in the Metro, Rev. Andy, Ringu, Rock n Roll Monster Bash, Rocket 350, romeo cologne, Sacred Heart Tattoo, Shane Morton, Silver Scream Spookshow, Sister Louisa's Church of the Living Room, Six Shot Revival, Spanky & the Love Handles, Spooky Partridge, Star Bar, Starlight Drive-In, Super X-13, Swing Night, tattoo, The Earl, Tongo Hiti, Trader Vic's, Twain's